What you need to do is just search for Edge in the Start menu or search bar.
Unfortunately the MicrosoftEdge.exe can not be run by double clicking and creating a normal shortcut will not work.
If you do not have that or have unpinned it, you just need to repin it. Where is Microsoft Edge located in Windows 10? How do I launch it? Namespace(objFSO.GetParentFolderName(objFile)) '\CommandStore\shell\Windows.taskbarpin\ExplorerCommandHandler') RegRead('HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer' & _ SKey2 = Replace(sKey1, '\\', '\ExplorerCommandHandler') If ($Ke圓.SubKe圜ount -eq 0 -and $Ke圓.ValueCount -eq 0) \\' $Item = $Folder.ParseName((Get-Item $Target).Name) $Folder = $Shell.Namespace((Get-Item $Target).DirectoryName) $Shell = New-Object -ComObject 'Shell.Application' $Key4 = $Ke圓.CreateSubKey($KeyPath4, $true)
$Ke圓 = $Key2.CreateSubKey($KeyPath3, $true) $Key2 = (Get-Item $KeyPath1).OpenSubKey($KeyPath2, $true) ('HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\' + ` Very nice! I made a few small tweaks to that powershell example, I hope you don't mind :) param (