Parallels is a program that makes it possible to run Windows on your Mac. The list is compiled for users of Apple Mac, iPad, Macbook or desktop Macintosh. However, the acceptance of Mac in the Civil Engineering world has been slow, and this can be a frustrating and costly issue for Mac users - who have just forked out thousands on new hardware and wish to get started on their flashy new laptops! Below is a list of ways that Civil Engineers and Architects can use structural analysis software on their macs. However, now that the computing performance of Mac has caught up, it now makes it a real consideration for any engineer or professional to use. This is one of the reasons why PC has dominated the business sector for more than two decades. In addition, FEA and other analysis programs require very high computing power, which Macs could not always provide. Most structural analysis and civil engineering software have been originally developed for Windows which is why any upgrades or additions are more easily added onto the same platform that they are initially built on. It is no hidden secret that Apple is a little behind when it comes to engineering programs and structural analysis software.